¡¡Quick Sender GPS FAQ page

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[Q28] what's function?

[A28] QuickSender have a programming language to calculate geo and other informations for exprert user.
These functions are unsupported. Please do not ask us.


You can add ';format'.

expr + expr
expr - expr
expr / expr
expr * expr
expr % expr
functions (expr [,...])

nnnn.nnnn real number
hh:mm time (real number (24:00=1.0))
hh:mm:ss time (real number (24:00:00=1.0))
"STRINGS" strings (<"> to write <"">)

geo coordinates
here string
map string
time real number(days from 1970/1/1)
date rounded real number(days from 1970/1/1(GMT))
cam string (always null)
pi float the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter
lon real number longitude
lat real number latitude
alt real GPS altitule (meter or feet by locale)
cource radian(display format degree) cource
speed real speed (kmph(kilo meters per hour) or mph(miles per hour) by locale)

sin, cos, tan, asin, atan, acos,
pow, pow2, abs, sqrt, floor, ceil, round
distance, latlong (see sample script below:)

dt short date time
mdt medium date time
ldt long date time
t short time (default of $time)
mt medium time
lt long time
d short date (default of $time)
md medium date
ld long date
f float (specify date time type data with 'f', returns days from 1970/1/1)
kmph km/h(for speed)
mph mile/h(for speed)
meter m(for alt, etc...)
km km(for alt, etc...)
mile mile(for alt, etc...)
feet feet(for alt, etc...)

Îã: Display distance and time to Tokyo Station from here.
$(speed;mph) mph.
$(course) deg.
$(alt;feet) feets.

up to Tokyo Station:
$(distance(geo,latlong(35.681109,139.766307));mile) miles
$(distance(geo,latlong(35.681109,139.766307))/1/(speed/1440);i) min.

[Q29] what's variables?

[A29] ¡üTelephone call

$(map) google map URL (using bit.ly)
$(geo) latitude, longitude
$(here) address
$(date) date
$(time) time
$(cam) execute camera. using (twipic)
# 2 fingers tap to execute camera.
# 3 fingers tap to select a picture.
$(pi) float pi
$(lon) longitude
$(lat) latitude
$(alt) alt
$(cource) cource(degree)
$(speed) speed

$(map) google map url
$(geo) latitude, longitude
$(here) address
$(date) date
$(time) time
$(cam) execute camera. mail attachement.
# 2 fingers tap to execute camera.
# 3 fingers tap to select a picture.
$(pi) float pi
$(lon) longitude
$(lat) latitude
$(alt) alt
$(cource) cource(degree)
$(speed) speed

$(geo) latitude, longitude
$(here) address
$(date) date

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